Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Longboards and flops

Yesterday I mentioned a cool new pair of flip-flops with a built in beer bottle opener.  This evening's beer provided a perfect test for the ultimate beach accessory.  I'm sad to say this one really disappoints.  

The problem is that a good bottle opener combines leverage with grip to easily open your beer.  The positioning of the hardware where you couldn't get any leverage meant that you need extra force to open the beer.... all of which shook up the beer and did not make for a good start.

The good thing is the beer itself provided an EXCELLENT finish -- Longboard Lager from Kona Brewing Company.  No, it's not a local brew but I couldn't pass on the idea of a surfing inspired beer during a beach vacation.  So as I eased into the hot-tub with the kids it was a great end to a vacation day.  As lagers go, not much special about it.  But since beers are best experienced as a point in time... it was just right. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Empty Glass is on Vacation

And while usually that would mean no posts, for a dedicated beer reviewer like myself it just means more opportunities to sample and report back the goodness.

Of course my first stop on my vacation was to pick up a pair of flip-flops. While browsing the usually boring samples there was a glint of metal that caught my eye..... a pair of flip-flops with a bottle opener built in!! I'll test it later and report back on it's effectiveness.

But for now, here's the first official beer review of the week. Since I'm staying on the Outer Banks of North Carolina I had to insist on buying some North Carolina beer. And although Highland Brewing Company is on the side of the state in Asheville, NC it barely fit my criteria so I picked up a 6 pack of the Cattail Peak Wheat Beer.

The website describes it as, "a complex malty body enhanced with traditional spicy noble hops and a smooth, crisp finish." I, however, did not pick up on the malt body. But what I did notice - and enjoyed - were the hops which combined with the unfiltered texture made it a great lunch beer after a morning at the beach. Would I make it an every day beer? Probably not. But for experimenting and enjoying something different with a meal - most definitely.